Monday, 18 March 2013

Doctor - Patient Communication, Stage 1 - The Presenting Complaint

We are happy to present the first in our 'doctor-patient communication' series. 
Each patient case history is broken down into 5 key stages:
1. Welcoming the patient and the Presenting Complaint (PC)
4. Investigations & Treatment
5. Follow-up

The first case is about Mr Smith who goes to see his General Practitioner (GP) due to a 1-month history of abdominal pain. Listen and read the key phrases used when asking about the patient's 'presenting complaint' (PC). You will also hear the 8 questions used to ask specifically about pain (see the previous post about the SOCRATES pain assessment tool).

After you have watched the video take the 10-question comprehension quiz below:

If the above quiz box doesn't load, click here:
Stage 1 - The Presenting Complaint (abdo pain) » Quiz Maker

Click the image to download and print out the gap fill exercise:

Click here to download the full transcript

Click here for 'Stage 2 - Taking a History'. 
Thanks for everyones help and constructive comments in making these learning resources. They are greatly appreciated.